Okay. The story I'm about to tell you is very, very, very, very scarry. So those of you who don't like the spooks might as well hide in the bathroom. One day, I was walking to my work when a rich hobo gave me 999,999,999 dolars. He told me that it had a curse. A very strong curse. I laughed at him and falcon punched him to spaice like an astronaut. So I went to work at Burger King as the janitor, when all the toosl started to move. Move fast. I was so scared I prayed to the Burger King and told me to grab a burger and put it in the mops, but they ait it. I ran out of Burger King when the Burger King started running towards me. I called my TRex to take me out of there, but the Burger King took out a roket lawncher and blew up my dino wiht skeletons wiht blood coming out of theri eyes. It did 999999 damage. I peed maiself and my pants came to life. They joind the Burger King to destroi me. I was running home when the hobos ghost came and shot lazers at my house. Then he laffed and exploded into my mom. She ran up to me and killed me with her

RED BANANA WHICH HAD BLOODY MONEY COMING OUT OF IT.  It hurt alot. I died and came back and deid again. It was supar spooks
